
Berck­werk was foun­ded in 2003 and stands for con­tem­po­ra­ry gem­stone cuts. Sin­ce its foun­da­ti­on, very per­so­nal busi­ness rela­ti­onships have deve­lo­ped in count­ries such as Paki­stan, Afgha­ni­stan, Mala­wi, Zam­bia, USA, Switz­er­land and India. We source our rough stones direct­ly through the­se contacts.

From the very begin­ning, our focus has been on fair dealings with each other. From purcha­sing, to refi­ning, to working with you. This is our com­mon thread.

Our gem­sto­nes are cut in a fri­end­ly cut­ting work­shop in India. We have deepe­ned this coope­ra­ti­on through our visit on site. All cut­ting orders that can be car­ri­ed out here are rea­li­sed in Idar-Ober­stein. Here we work very clo­se­ly with sel­ec­ted mas­ter cutters.


New website coming soon


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Or visit our online shop, which we update daily:


 Online Store

Behringstrasse 28a Haus 2 22765 Hamburg
Germany Tel.: +49 – (0)40 – 89720993 
Mobil: +49 (0)170 – 8109616 

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